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Lates Reviews

Hagay Hacohen, The Jerusalem Post

"The role of Giannetta, a young woman on good terms with both Adina and Nemorino, was inhabited by soprano Audelia Shalev. Her lively performance of ‘Is it Possible’ (Saria possibile), a key plot twist informing us Nemorino is no longer poor, was perfect.

Shalev presented us with a perfect Giannetta, quick to laugh at Nemorino's misfortune with the rest of the people but, ultimately, good hearted. "

Pamela Hickman


Audelia Zagoury’s natural stage presence and stable,

fresh voice were well suited to her coquettish portrayal of the youthful widow Norina from

Act I of Donizetti’s “Don Pasquale”, as she sang “So anch'io la virtù magica”

(I too know your magical virtues).

Take a Look


Review on the Ma'ariv newspaper
L'elisir d'amore - Haifa Symphony Orchestra


Concert Donne, eterni Dei! Teatrino Campana

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